MS 78 abc
Senior Thesis
9 units
first, second, third terms
Prerequisites: instructor's permission.
Supervised research experience, open only to senior materials science majors. Starting with an open-ended topic, students will plan and execute a project in materials science and engineering that includes written and oral reports based upon actual results, synthesizing topics from their course work. Only the first term may be taken pass/fail.
MS 90
Materials Science Laboratory
9 units (1-6-2)
third term
An introductory laboratory in relationships between the structure and properties of materials. Experiments involve materials processing and characterization by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and optical microscopy. Students will learn techniques for measuring mechanical and electrical properties of materials, as well as how to optimize these properties through microstructural and chemical control. Independent projects may be performed depending on the student's interests and abilities.
MS 100
Advanced Work in Materials Science
The staff in materials science will arrange special courses or problems to meet the needs of students working toward the M.S. degree or of qualified undergraduate students. Graded pass/fail for research and reading.
APh/MS 105 abc
States of Matter
9 units (3-0-6)
first, second, third terms
Prerequisites: APh 17 abc or equivalent.
A survey emphasizing unifying concepts, such as order parameters, scaling laws, quasi-particle excitations, and correlation functions. Topics: long-range ordered states such as crystals, superfluids, and ferromagnets; phase transitions; critical phenomena; ideal classical and degenerate gases; theory of liquids; band theory of solids; fluctuations; noise. Part c taught concurrently with MS 106. Students may not receive credit for both MS 106 and APh/MS 105 c.
Johnson, Fultz
MS 106
Phase Transformations
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: APh 105 b or ChE/Ch 164, or instructor's permission.
Thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transitions. Phase diagrams for unmixing and ordering. Effects of nucleation and kinetic constraints on phase transformations. Origins of energy, entropy, and pressure effects in solid-solid phase transformations. Spinodal decomposition, ordering by concentration waves, martensite. Taught concurrently with APh/MS 105 c. Students may not receive credit for both MS 106 and APh/MS 105c.
MS 110 abc
Materials Research Lectures
1 unit
first, second, third terms
A seminar course designed to introduce advanced undergraduates and graduate students to modern research in materials science.
MS 115
Fundamentals of Materials Science
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: Ph 2.
An introduction to the structure and properties of materials and the processing routes utilized to optimize properties. All major classes of materials are covered, including metals, ceramics, electronic materials, composites, and polymers. The relationships between chemical bonding, crystal structure, thermodynamics, phase equilibria, microstructure, and properties are described.
MS/APh 120
Diffraction and Structure
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: graduate standing or instructor's permission.
Principles of electron and X-ray diffraction with applications to materials characterization. Topics include scattering of electrons, X rays, and neutrons by atoms. Instrumentation for diffractometry and transmission electron microscopy. Kinematical theory of diffraction: effects of strain, size, disorder, and temperature. Crystal defects and their characterization. Autocorrelation functions in solids and introduction to dynamical theory.
MS/APh 122
Diffraction, Imaging, and Structure
9 units (0-4-5)
second and third terms
Prerequisites: MS/APh 120, may be taken concurrently.
Experimental methods in transmission electron microscopy of inorganic materials including diffraction, spectroscopy, conventional imaging, high resolution imaging and sample preparation. Weekly laboratory exercises to complement material in MS/APh 120.
Fultz and Garland
MS 125
Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy
9 units (1-6-2)
third term
Prerequisites: MS 132.
Diffraction contrast analysis of crystalline defects. Phase contrast imaging. Physical optics approach to dynamical electron diffraction and imaging. Microbeam methods for diffraction and imaging. Chemical analysis by energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and electron energy loss spectrometry. Not offered 2014-15.
MS 131
Structure and Bonding in Materials
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: graduate standing or introductory quantum mechanics.
Atomic structure, hybridization, molecular orbital theory, dependence of chemical bonding on atom configurations. Covalency, ionicity, electronegativity. Madelung energy. Effects of translational periodicity on electron states in solids. Band structures of group IV semiconductors; transition metals and ferromagnetism. Structural features of materials such as point defects, dislocations, disclinations, and surfaces. Structures of defects calculated with the embedded atom method.
MS 133
Kinetic Processes in Materials
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: APh 105 b or ChE/Ch 164, or instructor's permission.
Kinetic master equation, uncorrelated and correlated random walk, diffusion. Mechanisms of diffusion and atom transport in solids, liquids, and gases. Coarsening of microstructures. Nonequilibrium processing of materials.
MS 142
Application of Diffraction Techniques in Materials Science
9 units (2-3-4)
third term
Prerequisites: MS 120 or instructor's permission.
Applications of X-ray and neutron diffraction methods to the structural characterization of materials. Emphasis is on the analysis of polycrystalline materials but some discussion of single crystal methods is also presented. Techniques include quantitative phase analysis, crystalline size measurement, lattice parameter refinement, internal stress measurement, quantification of preferred orientation (texture) in materials, Rietveld refinement, and determination of structural features from small angle scattering. Homework assignments will focus on analysis of diffraction data. Samples of interest to students for their thesis research may be examined where appropriate. Not offered 2014-15.
MS/EST 143
Solid-State Electrochemistry for Energy Storage and Conversion
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: MS 115 or MS 131, or instructor's permission.
Thermodynamics and kinetics of ion and electron transport in solids, with emphasis on processes in electrolyte and electrode materials used in energy storage and conversion. Treatment of electroanalytical characterization techniques including a.c. impedance spectroscopy, voltammetry, and d.c. polarization methods. Application areas include fuel cells, electrochemical gas separation membranes, batteries, supercapacitors, and hydrogen storage materials. Not offered 2014-15.
MS 150 abc
Topics in Materials Science
Units to be arranged
first, second, third terms
Content will vary from year to year, but will be at a level suitable for advanced undergraduate or graduate students. Topics are chosen according to the interests of students and faculty. Visiting faculty may present portions of the course.
MS/ME 161
Imperfections in Crystals
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: graduate standing or MS 115.
The relation of lattice defects to the physical and mechanical properties of crystalline solids. Introduction to point imperfections and their relationships to transport properties in metallic, covalent, and ionic crystals. Kroeger-Vink notation. Introduction to dislocations: geometric, crystallographic, elastic, and energetic properties of dislocations. Dislocation reactions and interactions including formation of locks, stacking faults, and surface effects. Relations between collective dislocation behavior and mechanical properties of crystals. Introduction to computer simulations of dislocations. Grain boundaries. The structure and properties of interfaces in solids. Emphasis on materials science aspects of role of defects in electrical, morphological, optical, and mechanical properties of solids. Not offered 2014-15.
MS/ME 162
Mechanical Behavior of Materials
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Introduction to the mechanical behavior of solids, emphasizing the relationships between microstructure, defects, and mechanical properties. Elastic, anelastic, and plastic properties of crystalline and amorphous materials. Polymer and glass properties: viscoelasticity, flow, and strain-rate dependence. The relationships between stress, strain, strain rate, and temperature for deformable solids. Application of dislocation theory to strengthening mechanisms in crystalline solids. The phenomena of creep, fracture, and fatigue, and their controlling mechanisms.
Special Topics in Energy Science and Technology
Units to be arranged
Subject matter will change from term to term depending upon staff and student interest, but will generally center on modes of energy storage and conversion.
MS 200
Advanced Work in Materials Science
The staff in materials science will arrange special courses or problems to meet the needs of advanced graduate students.
Ae/AM/MS/ME 213
Mechanics and Materials Aspects of Fracture
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: Ae/AM/CE/ME 102 abc (concurrently) or equivalent and instructor's permission.
Analytical and experimental techniques in the study of fracture in metallic and nonmetallic solids. Mechanics of brittle and ductile fracture; connections between the continuum descriptions of fracture and micromechanisms. Discussion of elastic-plastic fracture analysis and fracture criteria. Special topics include fracture by cleavage, void growth, rate sensitivity, crack deflection and toughening mechanisms, as well as fracture of nontraditional materials. Fatigue crack growth and life prediction techniques will also be discussed. In addition, "dynamic" stress wave dominated, failure initiation growth and arrest phenomena will be covered. This will include traditional dynamic fracture considerations as well as discussions of failure by adiabatic shear localization. Not offered 2014-15.
ME/MS 260 ab
12 units (3-0-9)
second, third terms
Prerequisites: ACM 95/100 or equivalent, and Ae/AM/CE/ME 102 abc or Ae 160 abc or instructor's permission.
The course gives a broad overview of micromechanics, emphasizing the microstructure of materials, its connection to molecular structure, and its consequences on macroscopic properties. Topics include phase transformations in crystalline solids, including martensitic, ferroelectric, and diffusional phase transformations, twinning and domain patterns, active materials; effective properties of composites and polycrystals, linear and nonlinear homogenization; defects, including dislocations, surface steps, and domain walls; thin films, asymptotic methods, morphological instabilities, self-organization; selected applications to microactuation, thin-film processing, composite materials, mechanical properties, and materials design. Open to undergraduates with instructor's permission. Not offered 2014-15.
Published Date:
July 28, 2022