Ae/AM/CE/ME 102 abc
Mechanics of Structures and Solids
9 units (3-0-6)
first, second, third terms
Prerequisites: ME 35 abc or equivalent.
Static and dynamic stress analysis. Two- and three-dimensional theory of stressed elastic solids. Analysis of structural elements with applications in a variety of fields. Variational theorems and approximate solutions, finite elements. A variety of special topics will be discussed in the third term such as, but not limited to, elastic stability, wave propagation, and introductory fracture mechanics.
Kochmann, Ravichandran, Bhattacharya
CE/Ae/AM 108 ab
Computational Mechanics
9 units (3-0-6); first, second terms
Prerequisite:Ae/AM/ME/CE 102 abc or Ae/GE/ME 160 ab, or instructor's permission
Numerical methods and techniques for solving initial boundary value problems in continuum mechanics (from heat conduction to statics and dynamics of solids and structures). Finite difference methods, direct methods, variational methods, finite elements in small strains and at finite deformation for applications in structural mechanics and solid mechanics. Solution of the partial differential equations of heat transfer, solid and structural mechanics, and fluid mechanics. Transient and nonlinear problems. Computational aspects and development and use of finite element code. Not offered 2015-16.
AM/ACM 127
Calculus of Variations
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: ACM 95/100.
First and second variations; Euler-Lagrange equation; Hamiltonian formalism; action principle; Hamilton-Jacobi theory; stability; local and global minima; direct methods and relaxation; isoperimetric inequality; asymptotic methods and gamma convergence; selected applications to mechanics, materials science, control theory and numerical methods. Not offered 2015-16.
AM/CE/ME 150 abc
Graduate Engineering Seminar
1 unit
each term
Students attend a graduate seminar each week of each term and submit a report about the attended seminars. At least four of the attended seminars each term should be from the Mechanical and Civil Engineering seminar series. Students not registered for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees must receive the instructor's permission. Graded pass/fail.
AM/CE 151 ab
Dynamics and Vibration
9 units (3-0-6)
first, second terms
Equilibrium concepts, conservative and dissipative systems, Lagrange's equations, differential equations of motion for discrete single and multi degree-of-freedom systems, natural frequencies and mode shapes of these systems (Eigen value problem associated with the governing equations), phase plane analysis of vibrating systems, forms of damping and energy dissipated in damped systems, response to simple force pulses, harmonic and earthquake excitation, response spectrum concepts, vibration isolation, seismic instruments, dynamics of continuous systems, Hamilton's principle, axial vibration of rods and membranes, transverse vibration of strings, beams (Bernoulli-Euler and Timoshenko beam theory), and plates, traveling and standing wave solutions to motion of continuous systems, Rayleigh quotient and the Rayleigh-Ritz method to approximate natural frequencies and mode shapes of discrete and continuous systems, frequency domain solutions to dynamical systems, stability criteria for dynamical systems, and introduction to nonlinear systems and random vibration theory.
Heaton, Asimaki
AM/ME 165 ab
9 units (3-0-6)
second, third terms
Prerequisites: Ae/Ge/ME 160 a and registered in Ae/Ge/ME 160 b.
Fundamental concepts and equations of elasticity. Linearized theory of elastostatics and elastodynamics: basic theorems and special solutions. Finite theory of elasticity: constitutive theory, semi-inverse methods. Variational methods. Applications to problems of current interest. Not offered 2015-16.
AM 200
Advanced Work in Applied Mechanics
Hours and units by arrangement
A faculty mentor will oversee a student proposed, independent research or study project to meet the needs of graduate students. Graded pass/fail. The consent of a faculty mentor and a written report is required for each term of work.
AM 201
Advanced Topics in Applied Mechanics
9 units (3-0-6)
The faculty will prepare courses on advanced topics to meet the needs of graduate students.
Ae/AM/MS/ME 213
Mechanics and Materials Aspects of Fracture
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: Ae/AM/CE/ME 102 abc (concurrently) or equivalent and instructor's permission.
Analytical and experimental techniques in the study of fracture in metallic and nonmetallic solids. Mechanics of brittle and ductile fracture; connections between the continuum descriptions of fracture and micromechanisms. Discussion of elastic-plastic fracture analysis and fracture criteria. Special topics include fracture by cleavage, void growth, rate sensitivity, crack deflection and toughening mechanisms, as well as fracture of nontraditional materials. Fatigue crack growth and life prediction techniques will also be discussed. In addition, "dynamic" stress wave dominated, failure initiation growth and arrest phenomena will be covered. This will include traditional dynamic fracture considerations as well as discussions of failure by adiabatic shear localization.
Ae/AM/CE/ME 214 abc
Computational Solid Mechanics
9 units (3-0-6)
first, second, third terms
Prerequisites: AM 125 abc or equivalent; ACM 100 abc or equivalent; CE/AM/Ae 108 abc or equivalent or instructor's permission; Ae/AM/CE/ME 102 abc or equivalent; Ae/Ge/ME 160 ab desirable or taken concurrently.
Introduction to the use of numerical methods in the solution of solid mechanics and materials problems. First term: geometrical representation of solids. Automatic meshing. Approximation theory. Interpolation error estimation. Optimal and adaptive meshing. Second term: variational principles in linear elasticity. Finite element analysis. Error estimation. Convergence. Singularities. Adaptive strategies. Constrained problems. Mixed methods. Stability and convergence. Variational problems in nonlinear elasticity. Consistent linearization. The Newton-Rahpson method. Bifurcation analysis. Adaptive strategies in nonlinear elasticity. Constrained finite deformation problems. Contact and friction. Third term: time integration. Algorithm analysis. Accuracy, stability, and convergence. Operator splitting and product formulas. Coupled problems. Impact and friction. Subcycling. Space-time methods. Inelastic solids. Constitutive updates. Stability and convergence. Consistent linearization. Applications to finite deformation viscoplasticity, viscoelasticity, and Lagrangian modeling of fluid flows. Not offered 2015-16.
Ae/AM/ME 215
Dynamic Behavior of Materials
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: ACM 100 abc or AM 125 abc; Ae/AM/CE/ME 102 abc.
Fundamentals of theory of wave propagation; plane waves, wave guides, dispersion relations; dynamic plasticity, adiabatic shear banding; dynamic fracture; shock waves, equation of state. Not offered 2015-16.
Ae/AM/ME 223
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: Ae/AM/CE/ME 102 abc or instructor's permission.
Theory of dislocations in crystalline media. Characteristics of dislocations and their influence on the mechanical behavior in various crystal structures. Application of dislocation theory to single and polycrystal plasticity. Theory of the inelastic behavior of materials with negligible time effects. Experimental background for metals and fundamental postulates for plastic stress-strain relations. Variational principles for incremental elastic-plastic problems, uniqueness. Upper and lower bound theorems of limit analysis and shakedown. Slip line theory and applications. Additional topics may include soils, creep and rate-sensitive effects in metals, the thermodynamics of plastic deformation, and experimental methods in plasticity.
Ae/AM/ME 225
Special Topics in Solid Mechanics
Units to be arranged
first, second, third terms
Subject matter changes depending upon staff and student interest. (1) Stress Waves in Solids. 9 units (3-0-6); second term. Stress waves will be introduced by considering plane waves which allow the principal features of stress wave propagation to be explored without introducing the geometric complexities of waves in 3D. Formulation will include elastic materials and dissipative materials that are modeled as viscoelastic or viscoplastic. For elastic materials, we will consider waves in unbounded anisotropic media, refraction at plane boundaries, surface waves, wave guides, phase velocity and group velocity, waves in periodic media, energy transport, and diffraction. For dissipative materials, we will consider frequency- dependent attenuation, elastic precursor decay, and nonlinear waves in 1D. Examples, and opportunities to explore more advanced topics, will be chosen to try to respond to student interests. Not offered 2015-2016.
Published Date:
July 28, 2022