Bi 1
Principles of Biology
9 units (4-0-5)
third term
Advances in biotechnology have driven unprecedented integration across the hierarchy of biology, from molecules to ecosystems, as well as the integration of biology with other sciences, including geology, physics, chemistry and mathematics. The design of this biology course seeks to provide introductory students with a strong foundation built on a set of basic principles that will provide students with the intellectual tools for critical thinking in the discipline. Because the microbial world has been critical in all aspects of biology, from the environmental to human health, throughout the evolution of the biosphere, a microbiological perspective will form the nucleus around which each major topic will be developed. Specifically, we will discuss key concepts in cellular and molecular biology (e.g. cytoskeletal elements, transcription, translation), ecology, evolution, and metabolism (e.g. biosynthesis and energy generation) by providing examples from the microbial world.
Bi 1 x
The Great Ideas of Biology: Exploration through Experimentation
9 units (0-6-3)
third term
Introduction to concepts and laboratory methods in biology. Molecular biology techniques and advanced microscopy will be combined to explore the great ideas of biology. This course is intended for nonbiology majors and will satisfy the freshman biology course requirement. Limited enrollment.
Bi 2
Current Research in Biology
3 units (1-0-2); first term
Intended for students considering the biology option; open to freshmen
Current research in biology will be discussed, on the basis of reading assigned in advance of the discussions, with members of the divisional faculty. Graded pass/fail.
Bi 8
Introduction to Molecular Biology: Organization and Expression of Genetic Information
9 units (4-0-5)
second term
This course and its sequel, Bi 9, cover biology at the molecular and cellular levels. Bi 8 emphasizes genomic structure and mechanisms involved in the organization and regulated expression of genetic information. The focus is on the ways that the information content of the genome is translated into distinctive, cell type specific patterns of gene expression and protein function, with special attention to the problems of gene regulation in complex multicellular organisms. Assignments will include critical dissections of papers from current research literature and individual oral presentations by students to the class on specific topics.
Bi 9
Cell Biology
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Continues coverage of biology at the cellular level, begun in Bi 8. Topics: cytoplasmic structure, membrane structure and function, cell motility, and cell-cell recognition. Emphasis on both the ultrastructural and biochemical approaches to these topics.
Aravin, Deshaies
Bi 10
Introductory Biology Laboratory
6 units (1-3-2)
third term
Prerequisites: Bi 8; designed to be taken concurrently with Bi 9.
An introduction to molecular, cellular, and biochemical techniques that are commonly used in studies of biological systems at the molecular level.
FS/Bi 13
Freshman Seminar: In Search of Memory
6 units (2-0-4)
first term
An exploration of brain function based on weekly readings in an autobiographical account by a Nobel Prize willing neurobiologist. No lectures. Each week there will be reading from chapters of the book plus relevant research papers, discussing trail-blazing neuroscience experiments.
Bi 22
Undergraduate Research
Units to be arranged
first, second, third terms
Special problems involving laboratory research in biology; to be arranged with instructors before registration. Graded pass/fail.
Bi 23
Biology Tutorials
3 or 6 units
second term
Small group study and discussion in depth of special areas or problems in biology, involving regular tutorial sections with instructors drawn from the divisional postdoctoral staff and others. Usually given winter term. To be arranged with instructors before registration. Graded pass/fail.
Bi/BE 24
Technical Communication for Biological Scientists and Engineers
6 units (3-0-3)
first, third terms
This course offers instruction and practice in writing and speaking relevant to professional biological scientists and engineers working in research, teaching, and/or medical careers. Students will write a paper for a scientific or engineering journal, either based on their previous research or written as a review paper of current work in their field. A Caltech faculty member, a postdoctoral scholar, or technical staff member serves as a technical mentor for each student, to provide feedback on the content and style of the paper. Oral presentations will be based on writing produced in the course, with feedback from instructors and peers. Fulfills the Institute scientific writing requirement.
Bi 90 abc
Undergraduate Thesis
12 or more units per term
first, second, third terms
Prerequisites: 18 units of Bi 22 (or equivalent research experience) in the research area proposed for the thesis, and instructor's permission.
Intended to extend opportunities for research provided by Bi 22 into a coherent individual research project, carried out under the supervision of a member of the biology faculty. Normally involves three or more consecutive terms of work in the junior and senior years. The student will formulate a research problem based in part on work already carried out, evaluate previously published work in the field, and present new results in a thesis format. First two terms graded pass/fail; final term graded by letter on the basis of the completed thesis.
BE/Bi 101
Order of Magnitude Biology
6 units (3-0-3)
third term
Prerequisites: none.
In this course, students will develop skills in the art of educated guesswork and apply them to the biological sciences. Building from a few key numbers in biology, students will "size up" biological systems by making inferences and generating hypotheses about phenomena such as the rates and energy budgets of key biological processes. The course will cover the breadth of biological scales: molecular, cellular, organismal, communal, and planetary. Undergraduate and graduate students of all levels are welcome. Offered alternate years; offered 2015-16.
Bois, Phillips
CNS/SS/Psy/Bi 102 ab
Brains, Minds, and Society
9 units (3-0-6)
second, third terms
Prerequisites: Bi/CNS/NB 150 and CNS/Bi/Ph/CS/NB 187, or instructor's permission.
Introduction to the computations made by the brain during economic and social decision making and their neural substrates. First quarter: Signal detection theory. Unconscious and conscious processing. Emotion and the somatic marker hypothesis. Perceptual decision making. Reinforcement learning. Goal and habit learning. Facial processing in social neuroscience. Second quarter: Optimal Bayesian decision making and prospect theory. Standard and behavioral game theory. Evolution and group decision making. Collective decision making by animals. Exploration. Risk learning. Probabilistic sophistication. Offered 2015-16.
Camerer, O'Doherty
BE/Bi 103
Data Analysis in the Biological Sciences
9 units (1-3-5)
first term
Prerequisites: CS 1 or equivalent; Bi 1, Bi 1x, Bi 8, or equivalent; or instructor's permission.
This course covers a basic set of tools needed to analyze quantitative data in biological systems, both natural and engineered. Students will analyze real data in class and in homework. Python will be used as the programming language of instruction. Topics will include regression, parameter estimation, outlier detection and correction, error estimation, image processing and quantifcation, denoising, hypothesis testing, and data display and presentation.
Bi/Ge/ESE 105
12 units (3-4-5)
second term
Prerequisites: Completion of Core Curriculum Courses. Maximum enrollment: 15, by application only.
The theory of evolution is arguably biology's greatest idea and serves as the overarching framework for thinking about the diversity and relationships between organisms. This course will present a broad picture of evolution starting with discussions of the insights of the great naturalists, the study of the genetic basis of variation, and an introduction to the key driving forces of evolution. Following these foundations, we will then focus on a number of case studies including the following: evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis, origin of eukaryotes, multicellularity, influence of symbiosis, the emergence of life from the water (i.e. fins to limbs), the return of life to the water (i.e. limbs to fins), diversity following major extinction events, the discovery of Archaea, insights into evolution that have emerged from sequence analysis, and finally human evolution and the impact of humans on evolution (including examples such as antibiotic resistance). A specific focus for considering these issues will be the island biogeography of the Galapagos. Given in alternate years; offered 2015-16.
Phillips, Orphan
BE/Bi/MedE 106
Introduction to Biomechanics
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Introduction to the basic concepts of applying engineering principles of solid and fluid mechanics to the study of biological systems. The course emphasizes the organismal, rather than the molecular, level of complexity. It draws on a wide array of biological phenomena from plants and animals, and is not intended as a technical introduction to medically related biomechanics. Topics may include fundamental properties of solids and fluids, viscoelasticity, drag, biological pumps, locomotion, and muscle mechanics. Not offered 2015-16.
Bi/Ch 110
Introduction to Biochemistry
12 units (4-0-8)
first term
Prerequisites: Ch 41 abc or instructor's permission.
Lectures and recitation introducing the molecular basis of life processes, with emphasis on the structure and function of proteins. Topics will include the derivation of protein structure from the information inherent in a genome, biological catalysis, the intermediary metabolism that provides energy to an organism, and the use of DNA manipulations, cloning, and expression of proteins in foreign hosts to study protein structure and function.
Biochemistry faculty
Bi/Ch 111
Biochemistry of Gene Expression
12 units (4-0-8)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi/Ch 110; Bi 8 and Bi 122 recommended.
Lectures and recitation on the molecular basis of biological structure and function. Emphasizes the storage, transmission, and expression of genetic information in cells. Specific topics include DNA replication, recombination, repair and mutagenesis, transcription, RNA processing, and protein synthesis.
Campbell, Parker
Bi/Ch 113
Biochemistry of the Cell
12 units (4-0-8)
third term
Prerequisites: Bi/Ch 110; Bi 9 recommended or consent of instructor.
Lectures and recitation on the biochemistry of basic cellular processes in the cytosol and organelles, with emphasis on membrane and protein trafficking. Specific topics include protein secretion, virus entry, endocytosis, endoplasmic reticulum dynamics, nuclear trafficking, autophagy, apoptosis, and mitochondrial dynamics. The relationship of these processes to human disease will be discussed.
Chan, Hoelz
Bi 114
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi 8, Bi 9, Bi 122 or equivalent, and Bi/Ch 110 recommended.
The course will cover the molecular and cellular mechanisms that mediate recognition and response in the mammalian immune system. Topics include cellular and humoral immunity, the structural basis of immune recognition, antigen presentation and processing, gene rearrangement of lymphocyte receptors, cytokines and the regulation of cellular responses, T and B cell development, and mechanisms of tolerance. The course will present an integrated view of how the immune system interacts with viral and bacterial pathogens and commensal bacteria.
Mazmanian, Bjorkman
Bi 115
Attack and Repulsion: Viruses and their Hosts
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
The course will introduce the chemistry and biology of viruses, emphasizing their diverse replication strategies. It will then focus on mechanisms used by viruses to multiply in the face of host defenses. It will also discuss cancer-inducing viruses. The course will mainly consider mammalian viruses but will also discuss aspects of plant and bacterial viruses. Given in alternate years; offered 2015-16.
Bi 117
Developmental Biology
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi 8 and Bi 9.
A survey of the development of multicellular organisms. Topics will include the beginning of a new organism (fertilization), the creation of multicellularity (cellularization, cleavage), reorganization into germ layers (gastrulation), induction of the nervous system (neurulation), and creation of specific organs (organogenesis). Emphasis will be placed on the molecular mechanisms underlying morphogenetic movements, differentiation, and interactions during development, covering both classical and modern approaches to studying these processes.
Bi 118
Morphogenesis of Developmental Systems
6 units (2-0-4)
first term
Prerequisites: Bi 8 and Bi 9, and at least one of the following: Bi 117, Bi 122, Bi 129, Bi 145, or Bi/BE 182 (or equivalents).
Discussion of how cells, tissues, and organs take shape: the influence of force on cell shape change; cell migration including chemotaxis and collective cell movement; adhesion/deadhesion during migration; the relationship between cell migration and metastasis; and a review/overview of general signaling principles and embryonic development of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Class size is limited to 5 students. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
Bi 122
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: Bi 8 or Bi 9, or instructor's permission.
Lecture and discussion course covering basic principles of genetics.
Bi 129
Biology of Cancer
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
The first part of the course will concern the basic biology of cancer, covering oncogenes, tumor suppressors, tumor cell biology, metastasis, tumor angiogenesis, and other topics. There will also be a section on cancer genetics, which will primarily be taught from primary literature and journal reviews. The last part of the course will concern treatments, including chemotherapy, anti-angiogenic therapy, and immunotherapy. Textbook: The Biology of Cancer (2006) by Robert Weinberg Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
CNS/Psy/Bi 131
The Psychology of Learning and Motivation
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
This course will serve as an introduction to basic concepts, findings, and theory from the field of behavioral psychology, covering areas such as principles of classical conditioning, blocking and conditioned inhibition, models of classical conditioning, instrumental conditioning, reinforcement schedules, punishment and avoidance learning. The course will track the development of ideas from the beginnings of behavioral psychology in the early 20th century to contemporary learning theory. Not offered 2015-16.
Bi/Ch 132
Biophysics of Macromolecules
9 units (3-0-6); first term
Recommended prerequisite: Bi/Ch 110
Structural and functional aspects of nucleic acids and proteins, including hybridization; electrophoretic behavior of nucleic acids; principles and energetics of folding of polypeptide chains in proteins; allostery and cooperativity in protein action; enzyme kinetics and mechanisms; and methods of structure determination, such as X-ray diffraction and magnetic resonance. Structure and function of metalloenzymes.
Beauchamp, Cai
Bi 145 a
Tissue and Organ Physiology
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: Bi 8, 9, 110. Bi 110 may be taken concurrently.
Reviews of anatomy and histology, as well as in-depth discussion of cellular physiology. Building from cell function to tissues, the course explores human physiology in an organ-based fashion. First term topics include endocrine physiology, the skeletal system, digestive and hepatic physiology, nutrition and urinary physiology. Particular emphasis is placed on health issues and pharmaceutical therapy from both a research and a medical perspective.
Bi 145 b
Tissue and Organ Physiology
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi 145a.
Building on the foundations of Bi 145a, Bi 145b will continue the exploration of human physiology incorporating anatomy and cellular physiology. Topics include muscle physiology, cardiovascular physiology, the respiratory system and reproductive physiology. Particular emphasis is placed on health issues and pharmaceutical therapy from both a research and a medical perspective.
Bi/CNS/NB 150
Introduction to Neuroscience
10 units (4-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: Bi 8, 9, or instructors' permission.
General principles of the function and organization of nervous systems, providing both an overview of the subject and a foundation for advanced courses. Topics include the physical and chemical bases for action potentials, synaptic transmission, and sensory transduction; anatomy; development; sensory and motor pathways; memory and learning at the molecular, cellular, and systems level; and the neuroscience of brain diseases.
Adolphs, Lester
Bi/CNS/NB 153
Brain Circuits
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: Bi/CNS/NB 150 or equivalent.
What functions arise when many thousands of neurons combine in a densely connected circuit? Though the operations of neural circuits lie at the very heart of brain science, our textbooks have little to say on the topic. Through an alternation of lecture and discussion this course explores the empirical observations in this field and the analytical approaches needed to make sense of them. We begin with a foray into sensory and motor systems, consider what basic functions they need to accomplish, and examine what neural circuits are involved. Next we explore whether the circuit motifs encountered are also found in central brain areas, with an emphasis on sensory-motor integration and learning. Finally we discuss design principles for neural circuits and what constraints have shaped their structure and function in the course of evolution. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
Bi/NB/BE 155
6 units (3-0-3)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi/CNS/NB 150.
The neuroscience of drugs for therapy, for prevention, and for recreation. Students learn the prospects for new generations of medications in neurology, psychiatry, aging, and treatment of substance abuse. Topics: Types of drug molecules. Drug receptors. Electrophysiology. Drugs activate ion channels. Drugs block ion channels. Drugs activate and block G protein pathways. Drugs block neurotransmitter transporters. Pharmacokinetics. Recreational drugs. Nicotine Addiction. Opiate Addiction. Drugs for neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease. Drugs for epilepsy and migraine. Psychiatric diseases: nosology and drugs. The course is taught at the research level. Given in alternate years, not offered 2015-16.
Bi/NB 156
Molecular Basis of Behavior
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi/CNS/NB 150 or instructor's permission.
A lecture and discussion course on the neurobiology of behavior. Topics may include biological clocks, eating behavior, sexual behavior, addiction, mental illness, and neurodegenerative diseases. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
Bi/CNS/NB 157
Comparative Nervous Systems
9 units (2-3-4)
third term
Prerequisites: instructor's permission.
An introduction to the comparative study of the gross and microscopic structure of nervous systems. Emphasis on the vertebrate nervous system; also, the highly developed central nervous systems found in arthropods and cephalopods. Variation in nervous system structure with function and with behavioral and ecological specializations and the evolution of the vertebrate brain. Letter grades only. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
Bi/CNS 158
Vertebrate Evolution
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: Bi 1, Bi 8, or instructor's permission.
An integrative approach to the study of vertebrate evolution combining comparative anatomical, behavioral, embryological, genetic, paleontological, and physiological findings. Special emphasis will be given to: (1) the modification of developmental programs in evolution; (2) homeostatic systems for temperature regulation; (3) changes in the life cycle governing longevity and death; (4) the evolution of brain and behavior. Letter grades only. Given in alternate years; offered 2015-16.
Bi/CNS/NB 162
Cellular and Systems Neuroscience Laboratory
12 units (2-7-3)
third term
Prerequisites: Bi/CNS/NB 150 or instructor's permission.
A laboratory-based introduction to experimental methods used for electrophysiological studies of the central nervous system. Through the term, students investigate the physiological response properties of neurons in insect and mammalian brains, using extra- and intracellular recording techniques. Students are instructed in all aspects of experimental procedures, including proper surgical techniques, electrode fabrication, stimulus presentation, and computer-based data analysis. Graded pass/fail.
Bi/CNS/NB 164
Tools of Neurobiology
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi/CNS/NB 150 or equivalent.
Offers a broad survey of methods and approaches to understanding in modern neurobiology. The focus is on understanding the tools of the discipline, and their use will be illustrated with current research results. Topics include: molecular genetics, disease models, transgenic and knock-in technology, virus tools, tracing methods, gene profiling, light and electron microscopy, optogenetics, optical and electrical recording, neural coding, quantitative behavior, modeling and theory.
Bi 165
Microbiology Research: Practice and Proposal
6 units (2-3-1)
first term
The course will serve to introduce graduate students to 1) ongoing research projects on campus involving the isolation, culture, and characterization of microbes and microbial communities; and 2) the process of writing fellowships having a microbiology focus to train students in preparing effective funding applications. The first phase will involve a series of research presentations by different laboratory groups over the course of three evenings for one week at the start of the course. The second phase over the term will involve training in grant writing by drafting an NSF-type proposal, and a final oral presentation of the students' proposals. Not offered 2015-16.
ESE/Bi 166
Microbial Physiology
9 units (3-1-5); first term
Recommended prerequisite: one year of general biology
A course on growth and functions in the prokaryotic cell. Topics covered: growth, transport of small molecules, protein excretion, membrane bioenergetics, energy metabolism, motility, chemotaxis, global regulators, and metabolic integration.
ESE/Bi 168
Microbial Metabolic Diversity
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: ESE 142, ESE/Bi 166.
A course on the metabolic diversity of microorganisms. Basic thermodynamic principles governing energy conservation will be discussed, with emphasis placed on photosynthesis and respiration. Students will be exposed to genetic, genomic, and biochemical techniques that can be used to elucidate the mechanisms of cellular electron transfer underlying these metabolisms. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
BMB/Bi/Ch 170
Biochemistry and Biophysics of Macromolecules and Molecular Assemblies
9 units (3- 0-6)
Prerequisites: Bi/Ch 110. Detailed analysis of the structures of the four classes of biological molecules and the forces that shape them. Introduction to molecular biological and visualization techniques.
BMB/Bi/Ch 173
Biophysical/Structural Methods
9 units (3-0-6)
Basic principles of modern biophysical and structural methods used to interrogate macromolecules from the atomic to cellular levels, including light and electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, single molecule techniques, circular dichroism, surface plasmon resonance, mass spectrometry, and molecular dynamics and systems biological simulations.
Clemons, Grant, and other guest lecturer
BMB/Bi/Ch 174
Molecular Machines in the Cell
9 units (3-0-6)
Prerequisites: Bi/Ch 110, BMB/Bi/Ch 170, BMB/Bi/Ch 173.
Detailed analysis of specific macromolecular machines and systems that illustrate the principles and biophysical methods taught in BMB/Bi/Ch 170 and BMB/Bi/Ch 173.
Shan, Hoelz and various guest lecturers (subject to change each year)
CNS/Bi/SS/Psy/NB 176
12 units (6-0-6)
third term
The cornerstone of current progress in understanding the mind, the brain, and the relationship between the two is the study of human and animal cognition. This course will provide an in-depth survey and analysis of behavioral observations, theoretical accounts, computational models, patient data, electrophysiological studies, and brain-imaging results on mental capacities such as attention, memory, emotion, object representation, language, and cognitive development. Not Offered 2015-16.
Bi/BE 177
Principles of Modern Microscopy
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Lectures and discussions on the underlying principles behind digital, video, differential interference contrast, phase contrast, confocal, and two-photon microscopy. The course will begin with basic geometric optics and characteristics of lenses and microscopes. Specific attention will be given to how different imaging elements such as filters, detectors, and objective lenses contribute to the final image. Course work will include critical evaluation of published images and design strategies for simple optical systems and the analysis and presentation of two- and three-dimensional images. The role of light microscopy in the history of science will be an underlying theme. No prior knowledge of microscopy will be assumed. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
Bi 181
Introduction to Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi 8, CS 2, or instructor's permission.
Biology is becoming an increasingly data-intensive science. Many of the data challenges in the biological sciences are distinct from other scientific disciplines because of the complexity involved. This course will introduce key computational, probabilistic, and statistical methods that are common in computational biology and bioinformatics. We will integrate these theoretical aspects to discuss solutions to common challenges that reoccur throughout bioinformatics including algorithms and heuristics for tackling DNA sequence alignments, phylogenetic reconstructions, evolutionary analysis, and population and human genetics. We will discuss these topics in conjunction with common applications including the analysis of high throughput DNA sequencing data sets and analysis of gene expression from RNA-Seq datasets.
Bi/BE 182
Animal Development and Genomic Regulatory Network Design
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi 8 and at least one of the following: Bi 111, Bi 114, or Bi 122 (or equivalents).
This course is focused on the genomic control circuitry of the encoded programs that direct developmental processes. The initial module of the course is devoted to general principles of development, with emphasis on transcriptional regulatory control and general properties of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). The second module provides mechanistic analyses of spatial control functions in multiple embryonic systems, and the third treats the explanatory and predictive power of the GRNs that control body plan development in mammalian, sea urchin, and Drosophila systems. Grades or pass/fail.
Given in alternate years; offered 2015-16.
Stathopoulos, Peter, Davidson
Bi/CNS/NB 184
The Primate Visual System
9 units (3-1-5)
third term
This class focuses on the primate visual system, investigating it from an experimental, psychophysical, and computational perspective. The course will focus on two essential problems: 3-D vision and object recognition. Topics include parallel processing pathways, functional specialization, prosopagnosia, object detection and identification, invariance, stereopsis, surface perception, scene perception, navigation, visual memory, multidimensional readout, signal detection theory, oscillations, and synchrony. It will examine how a visual stimulus is represented starting in the retina, and ending in the frontal lobe, with a special emphasis placed on mechanisms for high-level vision in the parietal and temporal lobes. The course will include a lab component in which students design and analyze their own fMRI experiment. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
Bi/CNS/NB 185
Large Scale Brain Networks
6 (2-0-4)
third term
This class will focus on understanding what is known about the large-scale organization of the brain, focusing on the mammalian brain. What large scale brain networks exist and what are their principles of function? How is information flexibly routed from one area to another? What is the function of thalamocortical loops? We will examine large scale networks revealed by anatomical tracing, functional connectivity studies, and mRNA expression analyses, and explore the brain circuits mediating complex behaviors such as attention, memory, sleep, multisensory integration, decision making, and object vision. While each of these topics could cover an entire course in itself, our focus will be on understanding the master plan--how the components of each of these systems are put together and function as a whole. A key question we will delve into, from both a biological and a theoretical perspective, is: how is information flexibly routed from one brain area to another? We will discuss the communication through coherence hypothesis, small world networks, and sparse coding. Given in alternate years, offered 2015-16.
Vision: From Computational Theory to Neuronal Mechanisms
12 units (4-4-4)
second term
Lecture, laboratory, and project course aimed at understanding visual information processing, in both machines and the mammalian visual system. The course will emphasize an interdisciplinary approach aimed at understanding vision at several levels: computational theory, algorithms, psychophysics, and hardware (i.e., neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the mammalian visual system). The course will focus on early vision processes, in particular motion analysis, binocular stereo, brightness, color and texture analysis, visual attention and boundary detection. Students will be required to hand in approximately three homework assignments as well as complete one project integrating aspects of mathematical analysis, modeling, physiology, psychophysics, and engineering. Given in alternate years; offered 2015-16.
CNS/Bi/Ph/CS/NB 187
Neural Computation
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: familiarity with digital circuits, probability theory, linear algebra, and differential equations. Programming will be required.
This course investigates computation by neurons. Of primary concern are models of neural computation and their neurological substrate, as well as the physics of collective computation. Thus, neurobiology is used as a motivating factor to introduce the relevant algorithms. Topics include rate-code neural networks, their differential equations, and equivalent circuits; stochastic models and their energy functions; associative memory; supervised and unsupervised learning; development; spike-based computing; single-cell computation; error and noise tolerance.
Bi 188
Human Genetics and Genomics
6 units (2-0-4)
third term
Prerequisites: Bi 122; or graduate standing and instructor's permission.
Introduction to the genetics of humans. Subjects covered include human genome structure, genetic diseases and predispositions, the human genome project, forensic use of human genetic markers, human variability, and human evolution. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
Bi 189
The Cell Cycle
6 units (2-0-4)
third term
Prerequisites: Bi 8 and Bi 9.
The course covers the mechanisms by which eukaryotic cells control their duplication. Emphasis will be placed on the biochemical processes that ensure that cells undergo the key events of the cell cycle in a properly regulated manner. Not offered 2015-16.
Bi 190
Systems Genetics
6 units (2-0-4)
third term
Prerequisites: Bi 122.
Lectures covering how genetic and genomic analyses are used to understand biological systems. Emphasis is on genetic and genome-scale approaches used in model organisms such as yeast, flies, worms, and mice to elucidate the function of genes, genetic pathways and genetic networks.
BE/CS/CNS/Bi 191 ab
Biomolecular Computation
9 units (3-0-6) second term
(2-4-3) third term
Prerequisites: none. Recommended: ChE/BE 163, CS 21, CS 129 ab, or equivalent.
This course investigates computation by molecular systems, emphasizing models of computation based on the underlying physics, chemistry, and organization of biological cells. We will explore programmability, complexity, simulation of and reasoning about abstract models of chemical reaction networks, molecular folding, molecular self-assembly, and molecular motors, with an emphasis on universal architectures for computation, control, and construction within molecular systems. If time permits, we will also discuss biological example systems such as signal transduction, genetic regulatory networks, and the cytoskeleton; physical limits of computation, reversibility, reliability, and the role of noise, DNA-based computers and DNA nanotechnology. Part a develops fundamental results; part b is a reading and research course: classic and current papers will be discussed, and students will do projects on current research topics.
Bi 192
Introduction to Systems Biology
6 units (2-0-4)
first term
Prerequisites: Ma 1abc, and either Bi 8, CS1, or ACM 95 or instructor's permission.
The course will explore what it means to analyze biology from a systems-level point of view. Given what biological systems must do and the constraints they face, what general properties must biological systems have? Students will explore design principles in biology, including plasticity, exploratory behavior, weak-linkage, constrains that deconstrain, robustness, optimality, and evolvability. The class will read the equivalent of 2-3 scientific papers every week. The format will be a seminar with active discussion from all students. Students from multiple backgrounds are welcome: non-biology or biology students interested in learning systems-level questions in biology. Limited enrollment. Not offered 2015-16.
Bi/CNS/NB 195
Mathematics in Biology
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: Multi-variable calculus.
This course develops the mathematical methods needed for a quantitative understanding of biological phenomena, including data analysis, formulation of simple models, and the framing of quantitative questions. Topics include: probability and stochastic processes, linear algebra and transforms, dynamical systems, scientific programming. Given in alternate years; offered 2015-16.
Bi 199
Introduction to MATLAB for Biologists
6 units (3-0-3)
second term
This hands-on course provides an introduction to MATLAB's structure and syntax, writing of functions and scripts, image analysis, and data visualization.
BE/Bi/NB 203
Introduction to Programming for the Biological Sciences Bootcamp
6 units
Prerequisites: none.
This course provides an intensive, hands-on, pragmatic introduction to computer programming aimed at biologists and bioengineers. No previous programming experience is assumed. Python is the language of instruction. Students will learn basic concepts such as data types, control structures, string processing, functions, input/output, etc., while writing code applied to biological problems. At the end of the course, students will be able to perform simple simulations, write scripts to run software packages and parse output, and analyze and plot data. This class is offered as a week long "boot camp," starting two weeks before the start of the fall term, in which students spend all day working on the course. Graded pass/fail.
Bois, Guttman
Bi 204
Evolution of the Animal Body Plan
6 units (2-0-4)
third term
Prerequisites: Bi/BE 182 or equivalent. Qualified undergraduates are welcome.
Evolution of animal forms will be considered mechanistically in terms of change in the genomic regulatory programs underlying the developmental ontogeny of these forms, but within the framework provided by current concepts of animal phylogeny. Evolutionary mechanisms will be considered, as well, with respect to the real-time paleontological record and the changing conditions of Earth's environment through geological time. Principles emerging from the system biology of regulatory evolution will be emphasized. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
Bi 206
Biochemical and Genetic Methods in Biological Research
6 units (2-0-4)
third term
Prerequisites: graduate standing or instructor's permission.
This course will comprise in-depth discussions of selected methods in molecular biology and related fields. Given the enormous range of techniques available to a molecular biologist nowadays, the course will focus on a subset of these methods that includes recent and highly promising techniques, with an emphasis on their robustness and general applicability.
Bi 214
Hematopoiesis: A Developmental System
6 units (2-0-4)
third term
Prerequisites: Bi 114, or Bi/BE 182, or Bi 117 plus Bi/Ch 111, or graduate standing.
An advanced course with lectures and seminar presentations, based on reading from the current literature. The characteristics of blood cells offer unique insights into the molecular basis of lineage commitment and the mechanisms that control the production of diverse cell types from pluripotent precursors. The course will cover the nature of stem cells, the lineage relationships among differentiated cell types, the role of cytokines and cytokine receptors, apoptosis and lineage-specific proliferation, and how differentiation works at the level of gene regulation and regulatory networks. Roles of prominent regulatory molecules in hematopoietic development will be compared with their roles in other developmental systems. Emphasis will be on explanation of cellular and system-level phenomena in terms of molecular mechanisms. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
Bi/CNS/NB 216
Behavior of Mammals
6 units (2-0-4)
first term
A course of lectures, readings, and discussions focused on the genetic, physiological, and ecological bases of behavior in mammals. A basic knowledge of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology is desirable. Given in alternate years; offered 2015-16.
Bi/CNS/NB 217
Central Mechanisms in Perception
6 units (2-0-4)
first term
Reading and discussions of behavioral and electrophysiological studies of the systems for the processing of sensory information in the brain. Given in alternate years; not offered 2015-16.
Bi/CNS/NB 220
Genetic Dissection of Neural Circuit Function
6 units (2-0-4)
third term
This advanced course will discuss the emerging science of neural "circuit breaking" through the application of molecular genetic tools. These include optogenetic and pharmacogenetic manipulations of neuronal activity, genetically based tracing of neuronal connectivity, and genetically based indicators of neuronal activity. Both viral and transgenic approaches will be covered, and examples will be drawn from both the invertebrate and vertebrate literature. Interested students who have little or no familiarity with molecular biology will be supplied with the necessary background information. Lectures and student presentations from the current literature.
Bi/BE 227
Methods in Modern Microscopy
12 units (2-6-4)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi/BE 177 or a course in microscopy. Bi/BE 177 may be taken concurrently with this course.
Discussion and laboratory-based course covering the practical use of the confocal microscope, with special attention to the dynamic analysis of living cells and embryos. Course will begin with basic optics, microscope design, Koehler illumination, and the principles of confocal microscopy as well as other techniques for optical sectioning such as light sheet fluorescence microscopy (also called single plane illumination microscopy, SPIM). During the class students will construct a light sheet microscope based on the openSPIM design. Alongside the building of a light sheet microscope, the course will consist of semi-independent modules organized around different imaging challenges using confocal microscopes. Early modules will include a lab using lenses to build a cloaking device. Most of the early modules will focus on three-dimensional reconstruction of fixed cells and tissues. Later modules will include time-lapse confocal analysis of living cells and embryos. Students will also utilize the microscopes in the Beckman Institute Biological Imaging Facility to learn more advanced techniques such as spectral unmixing and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. No prior experience with confocal microscopy will be assumed; however, a basic working knowledge of microscopes is highly recommended. Preference is given to graduate students who will be using confocal microscopy in their research. Given in alternate years; offered 2015-16.
Bi/CNS/BE/NB 230
Optogenetic and CLARITY Methods in Experimental Neuroscience
9 units (3-2-4)
third term
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or Bi/CNS/NB 150 or equivalent (e.g. Bi/CNS/NB 164).
The class covers the theoretical and practical aspects of using (1) optogenetic sensors and actuators to visualize and modulate the activity of neuronal ensembles; and (2) CLARITY approaches for anatomical mapping and phenotyping using tissue-hydrogel hybrids. Topics include: opsin design (including natural and artificial sources), delivery (genetic targeting, viral transduction), light activation requirements (power requirements, wavelength, fiberoptics, LEDs), compatible readout modalities (electrophysiology, imaging); design and use of methods for tissue clearing (tissue stabilization by polymers/hydrogels and selective extractions, such as of lipids for increased tissue transparency and macromolecule access). Class will discuss applications to neuronal circuits (case studies based on recent literature). The class offers hands-on lab exposure for opsin delivery, recording of light-modulated activity, and CLARITY tissue clearing, imaging, and 3D reconstruction of fluorescent samples.
Ch/Bi 231
Advanced Topics in Biochemistry
6 units (2-0-4)
third term
Transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes. Topics: the subunit structure of eukaryotic RNA polymerases and their role in transcriptional reactions; the composition of eukaryotic promoters, including regulatory units; general and specific transcription factors; developmental regulatory circuits and factors; structural motifs involved in DNA binding and transcriptional initiation and control.
Campbell, Parker
Ge/Bi 244
Paleobiology Seminar
6 units (3-0-3)
third term
Critical reviews and discussion of classic investigations and current research in paleoecology, evolution, and biogeochemistry.
Ge/Bi/ESE 246
Molecular Geobiology Seminar
6 units (2-0-4); third term
Recommended preparation: ESE/Bi 166
Critical reviews and discussion of classic papers and current research in microbiology and geomicrobiology. As the topics will vary from year to year, it may be taken multiple times.
CNS/Bi/NB 247
Cerebral Cortex
6 units (2-0-4)
second term
Prerequisites: Bi/CNS/NB 150 or equivalent.
A general survey of the structure and function of the cerebral cortex. Topics include cortical anatomy, functional localization, and newer computational approaches to understanding cortical processing operations. Motor cortex, sensory cortex (visual, auditory, and somatosensory cortex), association cortex, and limbic cortex. Emphasis is on using animal models to understand human cortical function and includes correlations between animal studies and human neuropsychological and functional imaging literature. Given in alternate years. Not offered 2015-16.
Bi 250 a
Topics in Molecular and Cellular Biology
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Lectures and literature-based discussions covering research methods, scientific concepts and logic, research strategies and general principles of modern biology. Students will learn to critique papers in a wide range of fields, including molecular biology, developmental biology, genetics and neuroscience. Graded pass/fail.
Bi 250 b
Topics in Systems Biology
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
The class will focus on quantitative studies of cellular and developmental systems in biology. It will examine the architecture of specific genetic circuits controlling microbial behaviors and multicellular development in model organisms. The course will approach most topics from both experimental and theoretical/computational perspectives. Specific topics include chemotaxis, multistability and differentiation, biological oscillations, stochastic effects in circuit operation, as well as higher-level circuit properties such as robustness. The course will also consider the organization of transcriptional and protein-protein interaction networks at the genomic scale.
Elowitz, Bois
Bi/CNS/NB 250 c
Topics in Systems Neuroscience
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
The class focuses on quantitative studies of problems in systems neuroscience. Students will study classical work such as Hodgkin and Huxley's landmark papers on the ionic basis of the action potential, and will move from the study of interacting currents within neurons to the study of systems of interacting neurons. Topics will include lateral inhibition, mechanisms of motion tuning, local learning rules and their consequences for network structure and dynamics, oscillatory dynamics and synchronization across brain circuits, and formation and computational properties of topographic neural maps. The course will combine lectures and discussions, in which students and faculty will examine papers on systems neuroscience, usually combining experimental and theoretical/modeling components.
Bi/BMB 251 abc
Current Research in Cellular and Molecular Biology
1 unit
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Presentations and discussion of research at Caltech in biology and chemistry. Discussions of responsible conduct of research are included.
Sternberg, Hay
Bi 252
Responsible Conduct of Research
4 units (2-0-2)
third term
This lecture and discussion course covers relevant aspects of the responsible conduct of biomedical and biological research. Topics include guidelines and regulations, ethical and moral issues, research misconduct, data management and analysis, research with animal or human subjects, publication, conflicts of interest, mentoring, and professional advancement. This course is required of all trainees supported on the NIH training grants in cellular and molecular biology and neuroscience, and is recommended for other graduate students in labs in the Division of Biology and Biological Engineering labs. Undergraduate students require advance instructor's permission. Graded pass/fail.
Meyerowitz, Sternberg, staff
SS/Psy/Bi/CNS 255
Topics in Emotion and Social Cognition
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: Bi/CNS/NB 150 or instructor's permission.
This course will cover recent findings in the psychology and neurobiology of emotion and social behavior. What role does emotion play in other cognitive processes, such as memory, attention, and decision making? What are the component processes that guide social behavior? To what extent is the processing of social information domain-specific? Readings from the current literature will emphasize functional imaging, psychophysical, and lesion studies in humans. Not offered 2015-16.
CNS/Bi/NB 256
Decision Making
6 units (2-0-4)
third term
This special topics course will examine the neural mechanisms of reward, decision making, and reward-based learning. The course covers the anatomy and physiology of reward and action systems. Special emphasis will be placed on the representation of reward expectation; the interplay between reward, motivation, and attention; and the selection of actions. Links between concepts in economics and the neural mechanisms of decision making will be explored. Data from animal and human studies collected using behavioral, neurophysiological, and functional magnetic resonance techniques will be reviewed. Given in alternate years; offered 2015-16.
Bi 270
Special Topics in Biology
Units to be arranged
first, second, third terms
Students may register with permission of the responsible faculty member.
Published Date:
July 28, 2022