BEM 97
Undergraduate Research
Units to be arranged
any term
Prerequisites: advanced BEM and instructor's permission.
This course offers advanced undergraduates the opportunity to pursue research on a business problem individually or in a small group. Graded pass/fail.
BEM 101
Selected Topics in Business Economics and Management
Units to be determined by arrangement with the instructor
offered by announcement
Topics to be determined by instructor.
Staff, visiting lecturers
BEM 102
Introduction to Accounting
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary for the student to understand financial statements and financial records and to make use of the information for management and investment decisions. Topics include: an overview of financial statements and business decisions; the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement; sales revenue, receivables, and cash; cost of goods sold and inventory; long-lived assets and depreciation, and amortization; current and long-term liabilities; owners' equity; investments in other corporations and an introduction to financial statement analysis.
BEM 103
Introduction to Finance
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: Ec 11 required; one of the following: Ec 122, Ge/ESE 118, Ma 1/103, MA 112a, MA 112b.
An introduction to corporate finance. Economic theory is used to study asset valuation and financial decision making in business. Topics include financial decision making under certainty, introduction to valuation of risky assets (stocks and bonds), the corporate investment decision, dividend policy, and the corporate financing decision.
BEM 104
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: Ec 11, BEM 103, some familiarity with statistics.
Examines the theory of financial decision making and statistical techniques useful in analyzing financial data. Topics include portfolio selection, equilibrium security pricing, empirical analysis of equity securities, fixed-income markets, market efficiency, and risk management.
BEM 105
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: One of the following: Ec 122, Ge/ESE 118, Ma 1/103, MA 112a, MA 112b, or instructor's permission; BEM 103 strongly recommended; some familiarity with differential equations is helpful.
An introduction to option pricing theory and risk management in the discrete-time, binomial tree model, and the continuous-time Black-Scholes-Merton framework. Both the partial differential equations approach and the martingale approach (risk-neutral pricing by expected values) will be developed. The course will cover the basics of Stochastic, Ito Calculus.
BEM 106
Competitive Strategy
9 units (3-0-6)
first term
Prerequisites: Ec 11.
This course develops concepts appropriate for formulating strategy in a competitive environment, using a combination of case analysis and lectures. The course covers differentiation strategies, positioning to neutralize incumbency advantages, the product life cycle, organizational design as competitive strategy, signaling, cooperation strategies, pricing and price discrimination as competitive strategy, strategic use of option theory, and the war of attrition.
BEM 107
Applied Corporate Finance and Investment Banking
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: BEM 103.
This course builds on the concepts introduced in BEM 103 and applies them to current issues related to the financial management, regulation, and governance of both ongoing corporations and new start-up companies. The fundamental theme is valuation. The course discusses how valuation is affected by, among others, the role of directors, regulation of mergers and acquisitions, and management incentives.
BEM 109
Fixed-Income and Credit-Risk Derivatives
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: BEM 105.
An introduction to the models of interest rates, credit/default risk, and risk management. The focus is on continuous time models used in the practice of Financial Engineering for pricing and hedging fixed income securities. Two main models for credit risk are considered: structural and reduced form/intensity models.
BEM 110
Venture Capital
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: BEM 102, 103.
An introduction to the theory and practice of venture capital financing of start-ups. This course covers the underlying economic principles and theoretical models relevant to the venture investment process, as well as the standard practices used by industry and detailed examples. Topics include: The history of VC; VC stages of financing; financial returns to private equity; LBOs and MBOs; people versus ideas; biotech; IPOs; and CEO transitions.
BEM 111
Quantitative Risk Management
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: GE/ACM 118, BEM 105, or Ma 112.
An introduction to financial risk management. Concepts of Knightian risk and uncertainty; coherent risk; and commonly used metrics for risk. Techniques for estimating equity risk; volatility; correlation; interest rate risk; and credit risk are described. Discussions of fat-tailed (leptokurtic) risk, scenario analysis, and regime-switching methods provide an introduction to methods for dealing with risk in extreme environments.
BEM 114
Behavioral Finance
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: Students are recommended (but not required) to take BEM 103 to become familiar with some basic concepts in finance.
Much of modern financial economics works with models in which agents are fully rational, in that they maximize expected utility and use Bayes' law to update their beliefs. Behavioral finance is a large and active field that develops and studies models in which some agents are less than fully rational. Such models have two building blocks: limits to arbitrage, which makes it difficult for rational traders to undo the dislocations caused by less rational traders; and psychology, which provides guidance for the kinds of deviations from full rationality we might expect to see. We discuss these two topics and consider a number of applications: asset pricing; individual trading behavior; the origin of bubbles; and financial crises.
BEM/Ec 150
Business Analytics
9 units (3-0-6)
third term
Prerequisites: GE/ESE 118 or Ec 122, and knowledge of R.
This class teaches how to use very large, cross-media datasets to infer what variables influence choices and trends of economic and business interest. Topics include database management, cleaning and visualization of data, statistical and machine learning methods, natural language processing, social and conventional media, personal sensors and devices, sentiment analysis, and controlled collection of data (including experiments). Grades are based on hands-on data analysis homework assignments and detailed analysis of one dataset.
BEM/Ec 185
Political Economy of Corporate Governance
9 units (3-0-6)
Prerequisites: PS/Ec 172.
The course covers issues of how firms are organized. Topics include the distribution of power and returns among shareholders, managers, and other stakeholders; the role of law, public policy, and financial markets in constraining or enabling firms to solve problems they face; the interaction between history, financial market structure, and the ownership of very large firms. Each student is expected to write two substantial papers-drafts will be read by instructor and revised by students. Not offered 2016-17.
Published Date:
July 28, 2022