The Andrew and Peggy Cherng Department of Medical Engineering at Caltech focuses on the applications of micro-/nanoscale engineering sciences and technologies to the design, analysis, and implementation of diagnostic, therapeutic, and monitoring devices for translational medicine.
Areas of Research
- Affordable Medical Devices and Technologies (Burdick, Gao, Gharib, Hajimiri, Ismagilov, Scherer, Yang) Chairs for children with cerebral palsy, bed-sore mitigation, toxic material filters, saliva-based diabetes tests, handheld diagnostic devices, and remote medical tracking systems. Devices that provide freedom from disability.
- Biomolecular, Cellular and Gene Therapies (Shapiro, Gradinaru) Immunotherapy, viral vectors, probiotics, regenerative medicine, targeted molecular therapies, and therapeutic gene circuits.
- Biomaterials (Gradinaru, Greer, Ismagilov, Shapiro, Tai) Biocompatible medical materials, nanoscale-engineered smart materials, device-tissue interface, and cell-material interactions.
- Biomechanics & Bio-Inspired Design (Burdick, Colonius, Gao, Greer, Gharib, Gradinaru, Shapiro) Bio-inspired self-propulsion technologies, control systems, optimization techniques, shape morphing, cardiovascular mechanics, biomolecular nanomechanics, and muscle and membrane mechanics.
- Medical Diagnostic, Monitoring, and Therapeutic Implants (Emami, Gao, Scherer, Tai) Microscale implants with new functionalities to interface intact tissues and/or to replace defective functions: retinal implants, spinal cord implants, ECG implants, cardiovascular implants, implantable pressure sensors, glucose sensors, drug delivery pumps, and implantable bio-analyte sensors.
- Medical Diagnostic and Monitoring On-Chip Devices (Emami, Hajimiri, Ismagilov, Scherer, Yang) Magnetic spectroscopy, bioassay, and drug-screening platforms, micro-PCR and sequencer, and on-chip bio-sensors.
- Medical Imaging and Sensing (Colonius, Emami, Faraon, Gao, Gharib, Gradinaru, Hajimiri, Scherer, Shapiro, Wang, Yang) Medical photonics and sensors, advanced imaging technologies, micro flow-field imaging, computational image analysis, lensless microscopy-on-a-chip, diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound, and shock waves, single-molecule detection and diagnostics, machine-learning enabled automated pathology analysis, magnetic spectroscopy, tera-hertz imaging, Raman spectroscopy, photoacoustic tomography, thermoacoustic tomography, optical time reversal (wavefront shaping/engineering), compressed ultrafast photography, holographic microscopy, non-invasive label-free biomedical imaging and magnetic resonance imaging, wearable biosensors.
- Medical Nanoelectronics (Emami, Gao, Hajimiri) Integrated nanoelectronics and circuits for medical applications, extremely low power medical electronics and sensors, high bandwidth wireless communication devices, self-healing circuits and systems, on-chip tera-hertz sources, and systems-on-a-chip.
- Micro/Nano Medical Technologies and Devices (Burdick, Emami, Faraon, Gao, Gharib, Greer, Hajimiri, Ismagilov, Scherer, Shapiro, Tai, Wang, Yang) Biochips, bio-MEMS/NEMS, micro-/nano-fabrication, holographic microscopy, and photoacoustic microscopy for medical applications.
- Molecular and Cellular Imaging and Theranostics (Shapiro, Wang) Contrast agents, reporter genes, biosensors, cell-based diagnostics, theranostics.
- Nano & Micro Fluidics (Gao, Gharib, Ismagilov) Micro-/nano-fluidics, drug delivery, and physiological machines.
- Prosthetics (Burdick, Emami, Tai) Neural prosthetics and direct brain-machine interfaces, human prosthetics for paralysis, pure-thought-based control of external electromechanical devices, computer-decoding algorithms for direct brain interface, and robotic fingers.
- Quantum imaging and physics (Wang) Quantum entanglement, quantum (sub-shot noise and super-resolution) imaging, and atomic physics.
- Wireless Medical Technologies (Emami, Hajimiri, Gharib, Scherer, Shapiro, Tai) Wireless communications through skins and tissues for medical electronic implants, electrograms, wireless power transfer, and biotic/abiotic interfaces.
Published Date:
July 26, 2023