Steven Atlee
Deputy General Counsel
Dexter A. Bailey, Jr.
Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Relations
Kaushik Bhattacharya
Vice Provost
Shayna M. Chabner McKinney
Chief Communications Officer
David C. Chan
Dean of Graduate Studies
Jin Chang
Chief Information Officer
Michelle Effros
Vice Provost
Frederic Farina
Chief Innovation and Corporate Partnerships Officer
Grace C. Fisher-Adams
Chief Research Policy Officer
Kevin M. Gilmartin
Vice President for Student Affairs
Kenneth Hargreaves
Assistant Vice President, Strategy Implementation and External Relations Officer
Jennifer Jahner
Dean of Undergraduate Students
General Larry D. James
Deputy Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Diana Jergovic
Vice President, Strategy Implementation
David Kang
Associate Vice President of Facilities
Pamela D. Koyzis
Associate Vice President of Audit Services and Institute Compliance
Laurie Leshin
Vice President and Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Cathy A. Light
Secretary, Board of Trustees
Jennifer T. Lum
General Counsel
Lindsey E. Malcom-Piqueux
Chief Diversity Officer and Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Assessment
David J. Mayo
Senior Director of Research Administration
Julia M. McCallin
Associate Vice President for Human Resources
Sharon E. Patterson
Associate Vice President for Finance and Treasurer
Gil Refael
Chair of the Faculty
Scott H. Richland
Chief Investment Officer
Debbie Rodday
Assistant Secretary, Board of Trustees and Senior Director, Office of the President
Margo Steurbaut
Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer
David A. Tirrell
Chairs of Divisions
Harry A. Atwater
Engineering and Applied Science
Tracy K. Dennison
Humanities and Social Sciences
Dennis A. Dougherty
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
John P. Grotzinger
Geological and Planetary Sciences
Fiona A. Harrison
Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy
Richard M. Murray
Biology and Biological Engineering
Administrative Committees
Animal Care and Use
[fills the role of Caltech’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee—IACUC]
(Reports to the Vice Provost for Research)
R. A. Andersen, Chair
M. Meister, Vice Chair
A, Avalos* (alternate)
J. Brackman
J. L. Campbell (alternate)
G. Fisher-Adams*
W. Heinen (alternate)
E. Hisserich* (alternate)
L. C. Hsieh-Wilson
K. C. Lencioni*
C. Lois (alternate)
D. J. Mayo*
L. E. Quenee*
T. B. Shirey (alternate)
N. Singh
J. T. Lum
C. D'Apuzzo
(Reports to the Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer)
P. T. Hoffman, Chair
A. Boladian
K. Bradshaw*
B. Clemons
R. Fradet
C. Hart*
A. Leonard
L. Livesay
J. M. McCallin*
L. Moffit*
S. E. Patterson*
R. M. Roessler*
A. I. Sargent
S. Scoville
[fills the role of Caltech’s Institutional Biosafety Committee––IBC]
(Reports to the Provost)
R. F. Ismagilov, Interim Chair
A. Aravin
A. Avalos* (alternate)
M. Barsever
S. Chatterjee
T.-F. Chou
C. Cortese
G. Fisher-Adams*
A. Grossman
E. Hisserich* (alternate)
A. Hoelz (alternate)
K. Lencioni*
D. J. Mayo*
L. Quenee*
T. B. Shirey (alternate)
N. Singh
C. D'Apuzzo
Committee on Classified Research and Publication Restrictions at JPL
(Reports to the President)
D. I. Meiron, Chair
B. Ehlmann
D. Gallagher
R. Murray
T. A. Prince
M. Simons
J. Zmuidzinas
Computing Advisory Committee
(Reports to the Provost and the Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer)
T. Colonius, Chair
K. Bhattacharya*
G. K. Chan
J. Chang*
P. F. Hopkins
S. E. Patterson*
Z. E. Ross
M. S. Shum
R. M. Voorhees
Committee on Undergraduate Education
(Reports to the Provost)
M. Effros*, Chair
K. Batygin
W. C. Brown*
J. R. Bryant*
Burr, A*‡
K. M. Gilmartin*
J. A. Jahner*
K. G. Libbrecht
M. Okumura*
C. S. Parker*
D. Prober
G. Refael*
C. Salinas*
Environmental Health and Safety
(Reports to the President)
D. A. Tirrell, Chair
K. Bhattacharya
K. M. Gilmartin
D. Kang*
P. D. Koyzis*
L. Quenee*
M. Steurbaut
Institute Academic Council (IACC)
D. A. Tirrell, Chair
H. A. Atwater
T. K. Dennison
D. A. Dougherty
J. P. Grotzinger
F. A. Harrison
R. M. Murray
T. F. Rosenbaum
Institute Administrative Council (IAC)
T. F. Rosenbaum, Chair
S. Atlee
H. A. Atwater
D. Bailey
K. Bhattacharya
S. Chabner McKinney
D. Chan
J. Chang
T. K. Dennison
D. A. Dougherty
M. Effros
F. Farina
G. Fisher-Adams
K. M. Gilmartin
J. P. Grotzinger
K. Hargreaves
F. A. Harrison
J. A. Jahner
L. D. James
D. Jergovic
D. Kang
P. D. Koyzis
L. Leshin
C. A. Light
J. T. Lum
L. Malcom-Piqueux
D. J. Mayo
J. M. McCallin
R. M. Murray
S. E. Patterson
G. Refael
S. H. Richland
D. Rodday
M. Steurbaut
D. A. Tirrell
Institute Art
(Reports to the President)
T. Schneider, Chair
J-P. Avouac
J. Z. Buchwald
P. Collopy*
L. Davis*
M. B. Elowitz
K. T. Faber
K. Hargreaves*
P. Perona
M. Shapiro
President’s Diversity Council
(Reports to the President through the Provost)
W. M. Clemons, Jr., Chair
H. A. Atwater
M. H. Dickinson
M. Effros*
A. Emami
D. Hsieh
L. Malcom-Piqueux*
N. Wey-Gomez
Protection of Human Subjects
[fills the role of Caltech’s Institutional Review Board—IRB]
(Reports to the Vice Provost for Research)
R. Adolphs, Chair
C. Yang, Vice Chair
R. A. Andersen
K. Fejes-Toth
G. Fisher-Adams*
J. Gumer
E. Hisserich*
M. Manzanares
L. Quenee* (alternate)
T. B. Shirey (alternate)
N. Singh
J. M. Tyszka*
J. T. Lum
C. D’Apuzzo
Radiation Safety
(Reports to the Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer)
D. S. Burnet, Chair
B. W. Filippone, Vice Chair
B. Fultz
H. Issaian*
A. Kumagai
S. Shan
(Reports to the Provost)
R. M. Murray, Chair
R. M. Alvarez
G. A. Blake
M. Bronner
M. A. Chang*
M. Gonzalez*
J. A. Jahner*
E. Mantovan
T. Perpall*
A. Ponce
C. Rypisi*
B. M. Stoltz
* ex officio member
† representing graduate students
‡ representing undergraduate students
§ representing postdoctoral scholars